martes, 14 de abril de 2015

A Sky Full Of Stars

The video clip it's so simple, the camera follows the main singer while he is performing on the streets, the people look at him with surprise, some brave persons even joins at him. The "hook" is probably the ornate that he is taking with him, his music equipment at his back or the flowers on the guitar. It has some joining points too, like when the main part of the song is playing the whole band is together or when the background music starts some Tvs are playing their own music.

Coldplay has done a great job on this video clip. It makes you feel happy, so positive and energetic.

martes, 7 de octubre de 2014

Software license.

  • BSD: It is a software license, it is free being so close to the public domain, it allow use the source.
  • GNU/LGPL: It is a software license, similar to the GNU, but there aren't allow acts apart copy, distribute or manipulate it.
  • GNU: It is the most frequently used software license. It allow to manipulated, use, study and copy it.It is the first copyleft license for general use.
  • MPL: It is a open source software license, it belogs to Mozilla.
  • Multilicense is distributing software under two or more different sets of terms and conditions.


There are different types of free software:
  • Freeware: Are applications free and you can distribute them as you like.
  • Shareware: Are applications you can distribute them as you like but they are limited.
  • Careware: Applications that cost more because some of money goes to charities.
  • Public Domain: When the author of a program dies, the program becomes a free software what can be manipulated for everybody, It can be an authorless program.
  • Open source: Everybody can access to source an manipulate it.
  • Copyleft: You can copy it without asking author.
  • Property: It is about who belongs a program.

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

Introducing Computer Science

PC is a personal computer, it is make by software and hardware, software is the things you can't touch, programs; instead, hardware is everything you can touch, like CPU (which keeps microprocessor, ventilators, cards like graphics card...), screen, keyboard, mouse... Software makes we can understand language of computer because when you type a letter on the keyboard, it understand it like 0 and 1, what is called binary code, then, software 'translate' it into source wich in some operating systems like Linux or Ubuntu can be manipulated by programmers. Finally source is 'translate' again so that user can understands it and it is shown in interface.

There are different types of operating systems. There are some of them that are free and they can be manipulated, like I said before, but there are some that can't be manipulated like Windows or Mac Os, which have a default source. Operating systems that can be manipulate are more sensitive to the virus.

lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014


Today I feel a little bad, I feel like I'm out of everywhere, I can't find my true group, I mean, I have friends and of all that, but if I stop for a minute and I think about it, I can't find any reason that could make them love me anyway, I try to help them and I think I get it but we don't like the same things, and all of that, at least, breaks any relationship. I think that everybody gets down sometimes, so I don't really mind, I just hope I will find my place soon.